
9 Highlights of the Right to Education Act 2009 that deserve your attention

As human beings, we must be aware of our rights in every sphere. Undeniably, the formal and constitutional tone and structure of the Right to education act are tough to understand.

Catchy phrases tend to attract attention. One such phrase in this act read free and compulsory education.

Free and compulsory education in simple terms entails that provision has been made to try to impart education in every nook and corner of the nation without fees. The prime reason behind such provision is to improve the literacy rate in India.

You must note that the obligatory sermons of this act address the stakeholders in the government and organizations. holding responsibility concerning the education system in India.

Let me walk you through the journey and the final advent of the right to education act 2009.

Evolution of the Right to Education Act

The Right to Education became a fundamental right on 1 April 2010. However, the journey of evolution of the Right to Education Act began in 1990 when the Ramamurti Committee Report was formed. It was the first official document that contained provisions of this act.

Later, in 1993, it was held that the Right to Education Act is a fundamental right. An 86th amendment to the constitution in 2002 laid down the Right to Education as a fundamental right in part IIl of the constitution.

Again, the 86th amendment was followed by the Right to Education bill in 2008, and eventually, the Right to Education Act 2009 came into existence.

Compulsory and free education

The main idea is to ensure that no children are restricted from pursuing elementary education. Besides, they are not liable to pay fees and other charges up to class 8. Other items that are provided free include uniforms, and textbooks. Also, children with disabilities are provided special amenities and other expenses are met.

The other evident highlights of this act may be acknowledged through aspects of the Right to Education Act mentioned below:

The standard directives of the Right to Education Act

Directives are laid down concerning facilities in every elementary school. These include classroom facilities, drinking water, and toilets (separate for boys and girls), school working days, etc. Also, the working hours of teachers and the student-to-teacher ratio.

The special case mandate of the Right to Education Act

Special provision is made for out-of-school students. Special effort is invested and care is given later to ensure that they are admitted and an age-appropriate level of education is achieved.

Provision for the quality and quantity of teachers

An appropriate Student-to-teacher ratio ensures that the required quantity of teachers is met. Only teachers who meet a certain specified level of education and have attained proper training are appointed.

Policy against discrimination and harassment

The Right to Education Act 2009 also lays down policies to eradicate discrimination during admission and later based on caste, gender, religion, and social class. Also, physical punishments have been banned and care is taken to do away with mental harassment.

360-degree development

All-round development of children, through an appropriately designed curriculum, is ensured at an elementary level. Efforts are ought to be made in complementing academics to enable children to make their way in every field of life and career going ahead.

Minimize detention policy

No detention policy until class 8th is ensured. This is in favour of children to give them enough opportunities to improve.

Monitoring policy

Committees of elected representatives, teachers, and parents are formed to monitor the functioning of schools and develop plans.

Grievance redressal mechanism of the Right to Education Act

The Right to Education Act is subject to trial in a court of law. This is supported by the Grievance Redressal mechanism. Anyone in due course finds out that the provisions of this act are violated, and can be challenged in a court of law.

Policy of inclusion

One of the most appreciable mandates of the Right to Education Act is its policy of inclusion that lays out that 25 % of the seats in private institutions be reserved for economically backward and socially deprived sections to help improve the literacy rate in India. 

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