
Resignation Letter Subject Lines for Email Messages

After you decide to resign from your job, the next step is to convey it to your manager through an email. Even before you have started writing the email, you must know the subject line that fits your email. One fits all may not work in your case.

This blog will teach you the role of a well thought resignation email subject with valuable tips and examples.

Why are subject lines important in a resignation letter?

It is the subject line that makes people open their emails. So, if you send your resignation email without a subject line or an inappropriate one, your boss may never open it or know you have sent a resignation letter.

So, let’s dive in to find out how to frame the subject for a resignation letter to save it from getting lost in many other emails.

How to write resignation letter subject lines for email messages

Unlike when sending cold marketing emails, one need not write a catchy subject line to persuade the receiver and increase the open rate. However, it would be best if you were correct in writing one. Especially if you are leaving a large company, you may need to follow more formal procedures.

Understand the role of a subject line in a resignation letter

Your resignation letter subject must accomplish the purpose of sending one, i.e., convey to your boss the message that you want to resign. While your resignation email should be short and to the point, the subject for the resignation email should state-specific details so that your employer will easily spot your resignation email in a stack of emails. 

To leave a positive impression, people also consider mentioning “thank you” as the subject line for the resignation email and leaving the rest of the email for details. Also, a well-thought subject for resignation is perceived as a positive thing to do as this will avoid the possibility of a misinterpretation and encourage further conversation. And the manager may get back to you to address inconveniences that may have led you to write a resignation letter email.

Tips for writing effective resignation letter subject lines:

  • keep the resignation email subject line simple and direct.
  • make sure the resignation letter subject states the reason why you are writing
  • It’s important to keep it simple, but make it clear what you’re asking for.

The resignation letter subject line for the email is similar to the title of an email. While a resignation email subject should be simple and direct, the subject line should say what you’re writing about. In other words, it should state all or most of the below-mentioned parameters keeping in mind the character limit for the subject line:

  • the reason for writing the email,
  • the name of the company,
  • your resignation date.
  • your name, and
  • the date you want to leave the job.

Traditionally written resignation letter Vs. resignation email: The difference in subject lines

In a hand-written traditional resignation letter, the letter is enveloped. Hence, you are not burdened with writing a subject for a resignation letter that stands out in a stack of emails. Another major difference is the flexibility in the number of characters in writing subject which is unlike subject for resignation letter email.

Resignation email subject examples (Scenario based)

Here are a few scenario-based examples of the best, personalised resignation email subject that you can optimise and use:

1. Glad about a long association with [Company name] – Resignation

Resigning after a few years of association with the company can be emotional. And this subject will do justice to it and also set the tone for your email body. You may talk about the bonds you formed in your team, various accomplishments as a team and how much you will miss them.

2. Resignation – Available to serve the notice period

It is good to mention your availability to help your manager plan a smooth transition. Especially if your company does not have a strict policy of serving a notice period, it will send a positive message that you value your job and the company.

3. Resignation – following up on an in-person discussion

You might have already discussed leaving the company with your HR or manager in person. When you want to make it formal via mail, this is the best, straightforward email subject.

4. New opportunity at [Company name – GAMMA] – Resignation

If you want to add the pride of working with a big brand name and thus making a move, it will be appreciated by your manager. Hence, it is best to be open about it and mention your dream company in the subject line, to begin with, after which you can mention in the email body how your current company helped you reach there and that you are thankful for it.

5. Opportunity to pursue higher education (PG) – Resignation

Again, if the resignation is because you want to add wings to your skills and intelligence, you must mention the same in your resignation email subject. People who get a job after graduation and after working for a few years might need to pursue a postgraduate degree. Later in the email body, you can continue with how your new degree will help you improve at work when you return.

Other resignation email subject examples

Assuming that “James” who has been associated with the company ‘X’ has got some reasons for a job change and hence wants to resign via email. Now, let’s look at the options he has for the subject line and how it will appear with real inputs:

Option 1: Resignation – [Name]

Option 2: [Name] – Resignation

Option 3: Resignation [Date] – [Name]

Option 4: Resignation Announcement – [Name]

Option 5: [Name] – Resignation – [Effective date

Option 6: Resignation Effective Immediately – [Name]

Option 7: Resignation as of Date – [Name]]

Resignation letter subject for James:

Example 1: Resignation – James

Example 2: James – Resignation

Example 3: Resignation 17-03-2022 – James

Example 4: Resignation Announcement – James

Example 5: James – Resignation – 01-04-2022

Example 6: Resignation Effective Immediately – James

Option 7: Resignation as of 01-04-2022 – James

Explanation: Example ‘1’ & ‘2’

As per options 1 & 2, a resignation letter subject line should include your name and the reason for sending the mail. While in example one, the reason is the first thing the recipient will read, in example two it is the name. In some cases, it’s not possible to specify the date of your resignation in the subject line due to the character limit. For instance, if the name is too long. In such a case, you can add “effective from” at the end. Also, one may be unsure of the date. In both the options, the subject line states that you’re resigning from your job. Otherwise, the email can leave room for confusion and misinterpretation.

Explanation: Example ‘3’, ‘4’, & ‘5’

In all the three subjects for the resignation letter, they state that one is resigning from the job. While example four is again when one is unsure of the date, example 3 and example 4 clearly states the date of resignation in addition to the reason for writing the email and name.

Explanation: Example ‘6’, & ‘7’

While the subject line in example seven of the resignation letter email states the date, example seven will be applicable if you want to resign immediately. In both cases, you will be conveying the termination date.

A letter containing your name and an effective date will be seen by the employer as a respectful person. They’ll be more likely to welcome your message as well as consider it professional. If you’re leaving a job in a traditional setting, you should send the resignation letter personally in person.

How should you end the resignation letter?

A simple thank you message can be an effective way to end the email and express your gratitude for the time you spent with the company.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Resignation Letter Subject Lines

Unlike being specific, as in the above examples, people write vague words or phrases like “Leaving,” “Resign,” or other informal messages.

Also, sometimes people get emotional and use negative language, including unnecessary information or emojis expressing disgust and unhappiness with their work, workplace, or managers.

Hence, it is important to keep in mind that resignation letters are formal communications and hence the letter body or the subject line must be formal, concise and professional.

The conclusion

If you’re leaving a job via email, you should include a resignation letter subject line in your email. Its purpose is to inform the management that you will no longer be associated with the company. The resignation letter can be formal or informal. However, an email subject line for a resignation letter should not be too formal and should be direct. Moreover, a resignation email may contain your name, reason for writing the email and the date of your effective termination. Still, you should not forget to mention your name in the body of the email.

A resignation email should express gratitude for the company and its leadership. Make sure it maintains a professional demeanour and state the reason for writing as in the example subject lines above.

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