Indications that one must or must not switch job

According to the economic release, Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary published by America’s Labor Department around 4 million people in America have been resigning every month since the coronavirus pandemic has hit the globe. Also, Harris Poll results suggest that 50% of the American working class wants to change their job.

This data suggests people are reassessing their decisions concerning how they want to see themselves in the near future and whether or not they wish to see themselves in their current job role.

Let us try to assess what must have convinced that many people to consider switching jobs and when should they reconsider not changing jobs:

When must you consider switching jobs?

Millions of people switching jobs every month must be due to multiple reasons. Many a times such decisions turn fruitful and may land you on a better opportunity if your decisions was for a right reason. A few such reasons that have surfaced include:

Job dissatisfaction

Not all of us enjoy what we do for a living. However, those who can take a bold decision and could say no to forced jobs make real progress going ahead. Job dissatisfaction has been the most painful companion to millions of working professionals. Also, they seldom find inspiration to bring growth in an organization and for that matter to themselves.

Feel in a comfort zone

When you could see your company lacking in contributing to your development, probably it’s the time to go. A company that does not grow significantly generally does not contribute to its employee’s growth.

Toxic work culture

Jobs could be miserable. Especially when the office culture is toxic. So, what makes this toxicity? It could be unnecessary interference in your work, missing work-life balance, or unethical restrictions. Today when most organizations respect the social freedom of their employees, if your company seems to lack that culture, you must resist working in such an environment.


An organization that does not compensate well shows they care little about your growth. A satisfactory job role, handsome payout, and promotions are a true drive to hold on to a job and contribute to a company’s growth. It must be a two ways affair. Otherwise, it is good to leave the job that makes you feel underpaid.

Changing career path

If you feel to have started in a job that is inappropriate, the earlier you realize the better it is. Dissatisfaction could also lead you to come to such a decision. And you may decide to breathe in the fresh air, starting a new career from scratch. Well, it is never too late to realize what you wanted in life and a change into a meaningful career may be the turning point for your financial freedom and appreciation in general.

When must you reconsider before switching jobs?

Frequently switching jobs is not appreciated. It brings to the surface one’s volatility and lack of stability. Thus, while it could be a cool idea sometimes to switch jobs, not always. It may severely affect your career going ahead, leaving a bad impression on your successive employers.

Less than a year of experience

Image putting yourself in the shoes of your next potential employer. Will you not tend to question the stability of a person who discontinued a job in less than a year? Besides, you are looking for a job when you already have one. So, it is always better to continue and complete at least a year before thinking of switching jobs.

Over expectation

Sometimes people expect remunerations too much too early. In such circumstances, you focus more on finding jobs and not on learning things that may help you fetch the figures you are aspiring from a new job.

Everybody is resigning

It may be the case when you see your colleagues resigning. Well, the reason for his/her decision may be entirely different that may benefit. Holding on to a job you may feel that you are missing on big opportunities, you may see the best of excitement and power and at times very low and frustration.

Also, one common circumstance when people resign is a change in leadership. Rather, one may leverage this opportunity to one’s advantage of promotion when a leadership position gets vacated. 

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