
Best resignation email message examples (scenario based)

Sample resignation email message


Subject RESIGNATION – Shreya Dutta

Dear Sir,

I am writing to inform you that I will not be able to continue to work for the ABC organisation from next month. I have found another opportunity which is a perfect next step for me.

I appreciate the opportunity here in the past two years as I leave the organisation as a better person and professional.

Please relieve me and complete my full and final formalities.


Shreya Dutta

Email is the second best way to resign if you don’t want to tell your boss in person. Also, you can meet your boss first and then write a letter to formalise your resignation.

Tips for writing a resignation email message

Write a professional resignation email which has all the essential information. Consider the following points to ensure you keep the relationship positive with your employer.

1. Promise to serve the required notice period

Mention that you are ready to serve the notice period set by the organisation. And if you must leave the position immediately, give a proper reason explaining the urgency.

2. Mention your availability to handover the responsibilities

Your resignation must not hamper the organisation’s workflow. Ensure that you keep your tasks ready to hand over to the concerned person. Mention the same to assure you are responsible and want to leave on good terms.

3. Offer to train your replacement

Offer to help the organisation find your replacement and give essential training before your leave.

Examples #1: Personal reason


Subject RESIGNATION – Arvind Dixit

Dear Sir,

It is about my employment in your esteemed organisation as Digital Marketing Head.

Sir, due to a sudden personal emergency, I shall not be able to continue to work in your organisation. Please relieve me in three days as I shall not be able to commute to the office from Monday onward.

I have kept all my files, documents and the details of all the tasks with me handy, ready to hand over in the next three days.

Please relieve me and complete my full and final formalities.

I offer my heartfelt gratitude for this opportunity as I leave the organisation as a better professional.


Arvind Dixit

Examples #2: Family reason


Subject RESIGNATION – Arvind Dixit

Dear Sir,

I am writing to inform you that I will not continue to work at ABC company after completing my two weeks notice period.

Sir, my family circumstances at this time need my attention. I have to leave for my house to tackle some issues in my family. So, I shall not be able to continue to work in your organisation.

I have kept all my files, documents and the details of all the tasks with me handy, ready to hand over in the next three days.

Please relieve me and complete my full and final formalities.

I offer my heartfelt gratitude for this opportunity as I leave the organisation as a better professional.


Arvind Dixit

Examples #3: Relocation


Subject RESIGNATION – Shreya Dutta

Dear Sir,

I am writing to inform you that I will move to Southampton, England, United Kingdom next month. I shall not be able to continue to work in your organisation.

I have kept all my files, documents and the details of all the tasks with me handy, ready to hand over. I appreciate being part of your organisation during the past three years. I assure my availability and willingness to train my replacement while I serve my one-month notice period.

I offer my heartfelt gratitude for this opportunity as I leave the organisation as a better professional.


Shreya Dutta


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